A number of callers have asked whether compulsory vaccination breaches the Nuremberg Code. The short answer is no and it is laughable to suggest so.
Following the Allied victory over Germany, the Allied powers enacted the International Military Tribunal on 19th November 1945. As part of the Tribunal, a series of legal trials were held against major war criminals and Nazi sympathisers.
Crimes Against Humanity
The first trial conducted under the Nuremberg Military Tribunals in 1947 became known as The Doctors’ Trial. In that trial, some 23 doctors from the German Nazi Party were tried for crimes against humanity. These doctors conducted atrocious experiments on unwilling prisoners of war, many taking place in the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp holding Jewish prisoners later to become known as the Holocaust.
The point of the Nuremberg Code was to stamp out and protect humans involved in medical experiments and trials from cruel and life-threatening medical and surgical procedures.
The 10 Elements of the Nuremberg Code are:
- Voluntary consent is essential.
- The results of an experiment must be for the greater good of society.
- Human experiments should be based on previous animal experimentation.
- Experiments should be conducted by avoiding physical/mental suffering and injury.
- No experiments should be conducted if it is believed to cause death/disability.
- The risks should never exceed the benefits.
- Adequate facilities should be used to protect subjects.
- Experiments should be conducted only by qualified scientists.
- Subjects should be able to end their participation at any time.
- The scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment when injury, disability, or death is likely to occur.
Vaccinations for Covid-19 are not experimental. In producing the Astrazeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccine the makers followed well-established protocols during clinical trials. To even suggest that compulsory Covid-19 vaccination comes anywhere near what people went through during the Holocaust simply shows the complete ignorance of some.
Nuremberg Code Emergency Laws
Mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations do not fall under the Nuremberg Code. In any event, emergency laws promulgated in the various States and Territories prevail.
Call or visit Criminal Lawyer Perth for more details regarding The Nuremberg Code and COVID compulsory vaccination laws.