When talking about sexual offences one cannot help apply labels, definitions and descriptions that everyday people may find distasteful even alarming. The fact of the matter is that no apologies are made for the language and terms used here because it is the same language and terms used in open court her in Western Australia and right around Australia and overseas.
Therefore, sexual offences are broadly categorised into sexual penetration or rape as it was once called and indecent Assault. Sexual penetrations is self explanatory as far and penile penetration is concerned but also included cunnilingus and oral sex.
Indecent assault can vary considerably starting with touching genitals of both sexes, bottoms and female breasts whether on outer clothing or a touching of the skin in the area in question.
Sexual penetration always results in a immediate term of imprisonment for adults and depending upon the circumstances children may avoid immediate detention.
Indecent assaults generally always result in an immediate term of imprisonment however given the wide scope of ways a charge if indecent assault can be preferred for example an indecent assault bordering on say a common assault. in terms of the latter, imprisonment will not without more result in imprisonment, it can because the Sentencing Act 1995 says so.
If you are charged with sexual penetration and or indecent assault please call a Perth criminal lawyer on 0422 656 589 to go through the facts of your case and get our expert legal advice.