Some 10,000 WA school leavers will soon be venturing out to take part in end-of-year schoolie celebrations. The most popular spots are Dunsborough and Rottnest Island.
Students have been warned that Covid-19 vaccination certificates are mandatory. Those attending organised events in Dunsborough for example must provide proof of vaccination through an app.
Fraudulently Obtained Vaccination Certificates
Unvaccinated individuals attempting to use forged or fraudulently obtained vaccination certificates potentially face criminal charges. Given the seriousness of the Convid-19 pandemic, it is unlikely that even school leavers convicted as adults of Covid-19 related charges in the Magistrates Court will be granted a Spent Conviction.
Convicted in the Children’s Court?
The picture is a little unclear if convicted as a child in the Children’s Court. A criminal conviction will reduce job prospects and make international travel difficult if not impossible.
Of course, the government or employer cannot compel someone to be vaccinated against their will. They can however make fully Covid-19 vaccination a condition of entry, employment and overseas and interstate travel.
For school leavers, it would be a shame to not get vaccinated and risk a criminal conviction after all the vast majority of school leavers are no doubt vaccinated against the usual childhood diseases. For additional and detailed information, visit or contact your local lawyer.