Court’s COVID Rules & Regulation Updates
The latest advice from the Court is that for the period 5-14 February 2021 you are NOT permitted to enter the court unless:
1. You are required to do so for a listed matter or you have an involvement in the proceedings;
2. You require face to face services of the Registry;
3. You are a representative of an established news-media organisation; or
4. You are a person who has obtained prior approval from the judicial officer hearing the matter.
Applications under clause 4 may for example be relevant to parents or partners of an accused person facing sentencing and where the likelihood of an immediate term of imprisonment is high. In such cases, you should contact your law firm for advice. Otherwise, what happens after the 14th February 2021 in respect of who can enter the court is yet to unfold.
What we do know is that court security restricted entry only, to parties and their legal representatives, at least until December 2020. After the 14th there may remain in place a “parties only” policy.
Ensuring Justice Prevails
In all respects, the courts and the legal profession, police and prosecution agencies are bound to ensure that despite Covid restriction justice prevails and of paramount importance dignity and the legal rights are preserved for accused and alleged victim.