The Hong Kong pro-democracy riots continue to escalate even though this is one of the Holiest times in the calendar. A call for calm is being ignored by rioters.
Open Democracy – Legal Fundamentals
I started this legal blog on the basis that civil unrest goes hand in hand with free speech and open democracy – legal fundamentals protected by the Rule of Law. The rioter’s behaviour barely resembles what pro-democracy stands for and certainly not condoned behaviours en masse to make a government of the day sit up and take action.
Looking at the vision of rioters creating mayhem in a Hong Kong mall overnight it appeared that there were a few Western faces amongst the rioters. On good authority, it seems that individuals and small groups of “Westerners” have travelled to join local protestors vent their feelings. One cannot imagine why a “third party” Westerner would have cause to join in the havoc being caused in the name of democracy – the fighting and property damage – the pro-democracy message has long been lost amidst the violence.
It’s a shame that celebratory fireworks are not being fired into the air rather than tear gas.