We are receiving an unprecedented number of inquiries from parents of boys and young men aged anywhere between 12 years and 19 years charged with sexual offending against a fellow female students at school. These inquiries come with a myriad of facts such as age of the parties and where, when and what is said
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Legal Advice
Features of Allegations of Historical Sexual Assault
Over the past four years we have seen a distinct increase in sexual assault allegations said to have occurred anywhere between 10 to 40 years ago. The complainants, in our experience here at Criminal Lawyer Perth, are female and aged anywhere between 30 years and 60 years. The defendants are aged between 45 years and
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I’m Guilty – I want you to defend me?
Criminal defence lawyers do not get this question every day but when they do, the answer is often no. If a client admits to the charge and the underlying facts to the defence lawyer then the legal advice runs along the lines of a plea-in-mitigation and how to prepare for that. Lawyers must not mislead
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What Is A Criminal Justice Attorney?
In receiving telephone inquiries about a wide range of criminal law matters, the question sometimes comes up of whether I am a criminal justice attorney. My answer is that in an everyday sense, I suppose I am a criminal justice attorney. An Australian Lawyer However, under the legal profession legislation in the various states and
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What To Do When The Police Want To Talk To You?
FIFO Sexual Assault Allegations
The recent spate of reported allegations of rape and sexual assaults at WA mine sites including BHP and Fortescue Metals Group is alarming. The allegations are serious giving rise to the parliamentary inquiry into sexual harassment of women in the FIFO mining industry. The allegations raise serious questions on how to better protect women in
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Swimming Australia Abuse And Sexual Misconduct Complaints
The complaints levelled at Swimming Australia (SA) concerning physical and psychological abuse and sexual misconduct are concerning. Elite swimmer Madeline Groves has complained about social media about her treatment at training. In doing so, Ms Groves has given life to the #MeToo Movement to swim coaching across Australia. The extent and nature of the problem
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WA Police Access SafeWA Contact Data
We have received several inquiries about whether WAPOL is allowed to access SafeWA contact-tracing check-in data. The callers expressed concern that WAPOL had access to their everyday movements in breach of their right to privacy. WAPOL Investigation The short answer is yes. WAPOL has wide-ranging powers to investigate serious offences. In this case, WAPOL detectives
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Character Evidence In Court
Clients who for the first time in their life find themselves accused of a serious crime often ask whether their good character can be used in court to show that they are good people and couldn’t have done the crime. The short answer is yes. The short answer is yes. The fact that they have
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Bunnings Karen – Masks and Covid-19 Pandemic
Bunnings Karen (meme) refers to a woman who entered a Bunnings store in Victoria last week and openly and aggressively berated an employee who had dared to ask her if she had a mask. Karen replied that she was being discriminated against because she was a woman and it was an unlawful/illegal condition to refuse
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