The rates of FDV in Australia show that 1 in 4 (23% or 2.3 million) women have experienced violence from an intimate partner since the age of 15. And, 1 in 14 (7.3% or 693,000) men have experienced violence from an intimate partner since the age of 15 (ABS 2023a). In keeping the statistics, our
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Coercive Control Behaviour Laws
The WA Government is considering introducing laws that address Coercive Control Behaviour (CCB). CC is taken to be: Western Australia already has in place laws aimed at protecting people from CCB. For example, Section 5A (1) Restraining Orders Act 1977: 5A Term used: family violence (1) A reference in this Act to family violence is
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Lehrmann v Network Ten Pty Limited (Trial Judgment) [2024] FCA 369
Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation claim against Channel 10 and Lisa Wilkinson is now finalised. In the Federal Court Justice, Michael Lee found that Bruce Lehrmann had in fact raped Brittany Higgins in Parliament House in the early hours of March 23, 2019. His Honour found that Channel 10 and Lisa Wilkinson had not defamed Bruch Lehrmann
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Police Not Taking Complaints Seriously
During a recent visit to Kuala Lumpur (KL) to meet with colleagues to discuss cases of shared interest and any new developments in law, I was struck by the topic of whether the police are required to take a statement from a potential claimant/victim. What I understood was that KL police often fail to take
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Does Australian Border Force Need a Warrant To Take Your Mobile Device?
I was recently asked whether Australian Border Force (ABF) had powers to stop an incoming passenger and require them to hand over their electronic devises and provide passwords. The short answer is that you are required to hand up electronic devices. Under s186 Customs Act 1901 (“the Customs Act”), ABF officers can search goods being
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Trial Preparation
We take an inclusive and comprehensive approach to preparing for a trial. The inclusive dimension is to ensure that our clients are not only informed along the way but take an active part in preparing trial. For example, in typical historical sex allegations we will try to find out in as much detail the background
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Lying In Court
The main tasks of the defence barrister when cross examining a complaint is to persuade the jury that the complainant’s evidence is unreliable. In other words, the proposition put to the jury is that the jury cannot be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the complaint’s evidence is truthful. There are at least nine tell-tale
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Defending Historical Sex Offences
At Criminal Lawyers Perth we are receiving more and more calls from men charged with sexual assault. The charges are sometimes contemporary going back days, weeks or even months. We are however, experiencing an alarming increase in calls from men facing allegations going back decades. Anecdotally, the rate of historical allegations of sexualassault seem to
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Luis Rubiales Criminal Complaint
Luis Rubiales, former president of the Spanish Football Federation is in trouble. In so much trouble in fact he has had to resign his position and a criminal complaint of sexual assault and an act of coercion under the Spain’s Criminal Code 2016 has been filed with Spanish police. Why? He kissed Jenni Hermosa on
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Russell Brand Assault Allegations
Russell Brand has been accused of assaulting women. The alleged assaults are said to have occurred between 2006 and 2013. Complaints have been made to London Police and a criminal investigation likely to ensue. In just a matter of days his career stands shattered. His agent has dropped him. Promoters have cancelled his Stand-Up Talk
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